Skin care tips in winter season-women beauty tips-girls skin care tips-

Skin care tips in winter season:

Winter is a dry season and our skin requires to be properly nourished with a balanced diet and proper skin that is moisturized and cleansed properly.The winter skin care guide here at Fashion Central provides you with the care guide.


Although winter isn't a moist season liek the summer you still have to cleanse the skin properly but the cleanser has to have creamy moisture for the winter to solve the dry skin problem.Use the cleanser to remove the makeup and the unnecessary dirt.


Moisturize the skin throughout the day and even if you use a facial mask,make sure that you have a sufficient amount of moisture in the mask.If you are found of hot water baths then make sure you apply the body lotion all over your body after you've had the shower.Hot water,soap and body wash;wash away the skin oils and moisture from the skin and the body lotion will help lock in some extra moisture to avoid cracked and dry skin.

Hot water shower:

If feels absolutely heavenly to have a not water shower in winters,no doubt it feels relaxing but it wreak havoc on dry skin so all those with a dry skin should try having lukewarm shower instead of hot water.

Products used:

Although it is a general rule to use the product only after reading the ingredients but in winters the winter skin care tip is to be more specific about the alcoholic content. The alcohol evaporates and makes the skin feel fresh and cool,along with that it strips away moisture so all those with a dry skin should use alcohol free products.

Chapped Lips:

One of the most common problems of winter skin care are the chapped lips and the best winter skin care tip would be the most common as well; to use a lip balm.But this winter skin care tip considers that the balm should be at least SPF 15 and preferably one with antiseptic agents to aid in healing them.The balms with the tea tree ingredient are the best for healing painful cracks.

Knowing the skin type type use the moisturizer,even if you have oily skin you still should use slight amount of moisturizer during the winter for nourishing the skin and to help the skin glow.If you do not use moisturizer during winters the skin will end up looking dull.
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