Tips For Long Healthy and Beautiful Black Hair

Tips For Long Hair:
Long hair is dream of every human being especially for girl,woman , they search and discuss their friends and fellows how to grow long hair.Today in media era every company encouraged its viewers in TV ,internet ,radio and newspapers to use their products, whether it si suitabke for you or not.
Tips for long hair on internet and newspapers about long hair in 10 days or one week to attrach the people without any expert opinion by any beautician.
We just sugguest some tips for long hair, first of all fare about you hair and its cutting,setting and edging of you hair,if your hair are straight then it easy to set and carea but its wavy then more steos are taken for your hair like yse any oil without mentioning its name any oil to remove the rankles or wavy for hair.
Seconldy trim your hair ends if you hair are thinner then trim after one month only the ends and use any oil for every week.
Thirdly use wooden con for hair and avoid any metal or plastic brushes.
Fourthly nourishment it the hair are dry use yoghurt and use any dry hair shampoo and change it when it end and use different company shampoo for your hair and don't rub you hair with towel.
last but no the least healthy diet is also part of your hair for long hair and use vitamins, minerals and iron and vegetables like fish ,green vegeable and milk and fruit in your daily life.
Beauty tips
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