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Accident Attorney How You get Claim From GEICO Insurance Company,Auto Quotes

Accident Scene:

Must Sure That:
Move your car to nearby location to safe,but must careful not leave the accident place and scene.
Check if any person got the injury  then call 911 for medical assistance.
Contact the near police,they will call their leader or officer if needs to present him.
If your  car is not able to drive then you can request to help to roadside assistance.

Information Should you Exchange:
First do not reveal you policy to any person other than GEICO insurance Company.  Call the GEICO Mobile App's accident assistance feature to collect the following information.

Name,phone number, address and email address of all occupants and witnesses
Address of the location where accident occur
Photos of the accident scene and all vehicle involved in accident
Company name, policy number and phone number for other insurance companies.
If emergency services respond:        police report number phone number, officer name and badge number ect.

Report for A Claim:

you can report you accident and claim by online contacting through smartphone using the GECIO Mobile App,also you can call us at 1-800-841-3000

What you do next:

First you will make an appointment to get a vehicle damage estimate at once of our inspection sites.  If your car  is not ready for drive then call the GEICO adjuster to look at your car at the location where it has been towed.You can not meet the Adjuster of GECIO before you take the appointment,this appointment typically takes about 30 minutes.

Car Repair Process:

You can take you car for repair at any place where you want to repair if you want to get the help of GEICO to selecting the repair shop,consider and Auto Repair Xpress location. Her you can get best and guaranteed repairs.

The Adjuster and shop will start the repair your car as soon as possibe as you drop off you vehicle at the Auto Repair Xpress facility,and you will get regular inform from the shop on your car repair progress,The all process relieves you of stress and inconvenience.

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