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Best Cheapest Insurance Companies in New Jersey,Auto Qutoe, And Insurance Comparison rate

To find the best insurance company in the New jersey, we collect those company which has received most  least complaints from the consumers,compared to the rest of auto insurance companies,then we compared these companies and insurance rate data above.Then we find a list of insurance companies based on the least complaints and  high insurance rates  in new jersey.According to this research we find most best three companies Skylands Farmers  and Plymouth Rock are best in New Jersey.
Auto insurance Companies perform the good role if we see thier progress the  insurance.These companies give good insurance on any problems or accidents.New Jersey's standard policy  requires liablity insurance  for bodily injury,property damage and personal injury protection.
Below list are those top companies in the Garden State ranked by their complaints  and insurance rate indux.An index of 1 is average,while index numbers greater than 1 are worse.

Rank        Insurer                                       #Of Vehicles           Complaint Index
1                NJM Group                                   #806,226                               0
2               Palisades Group                              #153,709                               0
3               Encompass                                     #44,705                                  0
4               IDS  Property Casualty Ins Co         #31,265                               0
5               NJ Skylands                                        #30,980                             0
6                Farmers Group                                   #25,288                                0
7                Founders Insurance Company             #21,096                             0
8              Hartford      Group                              #19,605                              0
9              Chubb insurance Company Of NJ       #19,332                              0
10             American National Financial Group      #18,759                           0
11            High Point   Group                                  #286,399                       0.288
12            USAA Group                                           #227,929                          0.544
13             Esuracne                                                    #64,608                         0.639
14             Travelers Group                                         #180,780                        0.685
15              Progressive  Group                                     #426,714                          0.871
16              Metroplitan Group                                    #87,604                              0.943 
17             State Farm                                                  #500,451                           0.99
18            Libery     Mutual                                        #389,148                           1.061
19             Allstate Group                                            #627,015                          1.317
20             GEICO Group                                              #880,643                          1.36

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