Back Pain At Work.Reason?+Solution
Pain is pain,if it belong to any type.This disturb the feeling and all thought if it little as.Some pain are very dangerous for our health like heart and head pain act.
Back is also very bad,this mostly occur when we are changing our position.Below we are telling reason and nice solution.
Treating back pain:
In general, the best treatment is to stay active and, if necessary, use over-the-counter painkillers. You may feel like going to bed, but this won’t help and could make it worse.
The longer you're immobile, the weaker your back muscles will become, and the more they will hurt in the long term.
The best ways to deal with pain and help your back to recover are to maintain your mobility, based on your usual activities, and return to work as soon as possible.
Your state of mind can also play an important role. Research has shown that people who remain positive tend to recover quicker than those who get depressed.
Back pain at your desk
Sitting for long periods in front of a computer is storing up trouble. No matter how good your positioning, it is important to get up every so often. Health experts recommend breaking up sedentary time every 30 minutes for at least one to two minutes.
Workstation factors that can affect your back include:
seating posture
computer screen position
chair height
keyboard position
mouse position
desk equipment layout
If you work in an office and use a computer, you can improve your posture by sitting in the right position and arranging your desk correctly.
Adjusting your chair to avoid back pain:
By law, workstation chairs must be stable. The standard office chair has five legs in a star shape.
The seat height must be adjustable, and the back rest must be adjustable in height and tilt. Ideally, the back rest should move independently of the seat to allow a comfortable position.
When you’re sitting, your thighs should be at right angles to your body or sloping slightly down.
If your chair is properly adjusted, your feet should be firmly on the floor, but if it’s more comfortable, use a footrest. The basic rule is to plant your feet on the floor and support your back.
Take regular breaks:
Don’t sit in the same position for long periods. Make sure you change your posture as often as is practicable.
Frequent short breaks are better for your back than fewer long ones. It gives the muscles a chance to relax while others take the strain. This can prevent you from becoming stiff and tense.
Most jobs provide opportunities to take a break from the screen, such as getting a drink, going for some fresh air, filing or photocopying.
Lifting safely to prevent back pain:
One of the biggest causes of back injury, especially at work, is lifting or handling objects incorrectly. Learning and following the correct method for lifting and handling objects can help to prevent back pain.
Key points for lifting safely:
think before you lift
start in a good position
keep the load close to your waist
keep your back as straight as possible
avoid twisting your back or leaning sideways
keep your head up
know your limits
push heavy objects, don't pull them
distribute the weight evenly.
Health tips
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