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Oil Is Good For Your Hair? Benefits Of Oil For Your Hair

Olive Oil For Lice Treatment
A lesser known fact about olive oil is that it is also effective in tacking the problem of hair lice without the agony and irritation associated with other commercial hair lice removal products. Additionally, olive oil also improves the elasticity of hair and prevents hair breakage.

Remedies for Falling Hair
One of the common olive oil hair remedies for hair regrowth involves mixing one beaten egg in 3/4 cup of olive oil and then applying this mixture to the hair after it is shampooed and is still wet. This mixture should be allowed to remain on the hair for at least 45 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo.
Thus not only is olive oil good for hair growth but it is also used as an excellent conditioner that also aids in increasing hair volume.

Some people find that using only olive oil for a hair massage tends to get too heavy; in such cases they may mix equal parts of olive oil and coconut oil to get dual benefits. Extra virgin olive oil for hair growth is found to be most effective as it has the highest levels of vitamin E and mono-unsaturated fatty acids which act as antioxidants and promote hair growth.

Olive oil is also known to have emollient properties thereby minimizing hair loss and factors causing hair loss such as dandruff. Olive oil hair regrowth treatment involves the regular use of olive oil directly on the hair and on the scalp as it helps solves the problem of brittle hair and also regularly massaging the scalp with olive oil tends to stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth.

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