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Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with family and in game

Randy orton new hd wallpapers and photos with
 family and in game
Orton was born in Knoxville, Tennesseethe son of Bob Orton, Jr. and his wife Elaine. He is the grandson of Bob Orton, Sr. and the nephew of wrestler-turned-musician Barry Orton. He has two younger siblings, Nate and Rebecca.Knowing from experience the hardships of life as a professional wrestler, Orton's parents tried to convince him to stay away from the business, and his father warned him that life in the ring meant a life on the road and away from family.[2] Orton attended Hazelwood Central High School, where he was an amateur wrestler.
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