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Triple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with public

Triple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with public

Triple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with public

Triple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with public

Triple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with public

Triple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with public

Triple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with public

Triple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with publicdjaljdcTriple H hd wallpapers and photos in match and with public
Triple H feuded with Mick Foley in early 2000. They both fought at the Royal Rumble in a Street Fight Match for the WWF Championship, which Triple H won after doing two pedigrees on Foley. The feud ended at No Way Out in a Hell in a Cell, where Triple H retained the title and forced Foley to retire. Triple H pinned The Rock at WrestleMania 2000 to retain the titlebut lost it at Backlash to The Rock. He regained it three weeks later, in an Iron Man match at Judgment Day,only to lose it back to The Rock at King of the Ring. Triple H then entered a storyline feud with Chris Jericho, which culminated in a Last Man Standing match at Fully Loaded. Afterwards, Triple H entered a feud with Kurt Angle, initially over the WWF Championship
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