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Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip

Triple H new photos and hd wallpapers in the championchip
Triple H lost to Kane after Chyna meddled for his benefit, and she was thought to have rejoined Dx.[Later on in the night, he sold out his long-lasting companion and individual DX part X-Pac by helping Shane Mcmahon hold the European Championship and joined The Corporation. turning heel all the while. In April, he began to move far from his DX look, taping his clench hands for matches, donning new and shorter wrestling trunks, and embracing a shorter hairstyle. Levesque's contrivance changed as he battled to acquire a WWF title shot. After various fizzled endeavors at winning the title, Triple H and Mankind tested WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin to a Triple Threat match at Summerslam, which offered Jesse "The Body" Ventura as the exceptional visitor arbitrator. Humanity won the match by sticking Austin. The accompanying night on Raw, Triple H vanquished Mankind to win his first WWF Championship.
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