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you have pimple near your vagina what you do?

you have pimple near your vagina what you do?

On the off chance that you shave your pubic hair, its completely conceivable that the knocks that look like pimples could be brought about from ingrown hairs. On the off chance that this is the situation, its best not to shave for some time. On the off chance that you do choose to shave once more, make sure to utilize another (not dull) disposable cutter, shaving gel or cream, and shave in the course that your pubic hair develops. You ought to make a meeting with your medicinal services supplier if the "pimples" seem chafed, red, warm, and/or sore  since this could be an indication of disease and you will require restorative consideration. Be that as it may not every raised knock or pimple is brought about from shaving. Some red knocks can be brought on from a sexually transmitted contamination (STI, for example, herpes or HPV (human papilloma infection). In the event that you are sexually dynamic and have vaginal pimples or raised knocks close to your vagina, the best thing to do is to make a meeting with a therapeutic supplier and get checked.
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